January 8, 2020

Ben Hurd Raises over $14,000 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

An image of the Investors Associated logo.


This past October, our very own Director of Commercial Leasing, Ben Hurd, participated in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light The Night Walk. “The Fighting Hurd” finished #1 for the Friends and Family team and also won the Executive Challenge, raising a final tally of just over $14,000! He says that while the weather wasn’t great, the rain held off until the end of the Walk, and it was a truly amazing and emotionally moving experience.

light the night


This event, which takes place in nearly 200 locations across North America, “funds treatments that are saving the lives of patients today. LLS is making cures happen by providing patient support services, advocating for lifesaving treatments and pioneering the most promising cancer research anywhere.”



Thank you to Ben for representing Investors Associated and for helping us do what we value most—giving back to our community!

You can learn more about the Light The Night Walk here!