Investing. Diversified.


Over $470
Million in assets under management
Properties in 7 states

Average return over last 10 years—past performance does not indicate future results
More than Investors.
All investors at IA are part-owners of our entire real estate portfolio. This pooled investment provides transparency and risk management not often found in traditional real estate investments.
Get to Know Us
A Portfolio Built with
All Partners in Mind
IA senior management is composed of Partners and is not compensated through developers’ fees, acquisition fees, or refinancing fees. Our sole focus is on creating long-term value with a diverse portfolio of residential, industrial, retail, and office properties.
See Our Portfolio

We only invest in high-quality properties that are in markets with evidence of strong demand—and reinvest excess cash flow to accelerate portfolio growth. This approach has taken IA from its humble beginnings in 1970 to the success we all share today.
Growth in net book value over the last 10 years
Growth in unit value over the last 10 years
Million, approximately, in new-development pipeline
Happy Tenants.
Happy Partners.
Our in-house property management team sets a high standard for maintaining and growing our residential and commercial properties. The relationships they build with our tenants benefit their communities and bring tangible, bottom-line savings and realized returns for our Partners.
See Property Management

“Impact Networking has been partnering with Investors Associated for over a decade and we are very impressed with how responsive and personable they are—from leasing to maintenance to leadership!”
Sales Manager of Madison
Impact Networking

real estate investing?
We’d love to talk with you and show you how it works.
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